The Key Takeaways For Answering Your Questions About The Lumbar Plexus

The Key Takeaways For Answering Your Questions About The Lumbar Plexus

The lumbar plexus sometimes referred to as the “power tree”, is an intricate network composed of the lumbar spinal cord, the longest cranial nerve in the human body, and the nerves that originate in the brain, through the spinal cord to the tail and back. The plexus helps to control the movement of the limbs and helps maintain coordinated posture. It also provides primary sensory feedback to the brain and helps coordinate muscular movements. In addition, it helps the heart to pump efficiently and to relax during stressful physical activity.

Primary Functions of the Lumbar Plexus

The primary functions of the lumbar plexus are to provide stable internal posture and maintain the spine’s natural curves. It also transmits messages to the brain through the nerves regarding where to focus attention, balance, and strength. Several nerves control the various aspects of walking, including the ankle, toes, heel, knee, hips, and lower back. The five nerves originate in the iliohypogastric nerve, which branches into the primary motor nerves that originate in the spinal column, the cervical spine, the thoracic spine, and the cervical shoulders.

What Is Major Vein System

The five lumbar plexus motor nerves include the major vein system, which supplies the blood to the arms and legs; the vena cava which carries away the oxygenated blood from the lungs; the caudal arteries that supply the arms and legs with nourishment; and the spinal nerves that send signals to the brain. When any one of these spinal nerves is affected, problems can arise. For example, the failure to properly perform a certain movement can result in a loss of balance and difficulty in walking.

Most people are unaware of their condition unless serious complications arise. That is why it is necessary to obtain a medical diagnosis before administering any type of anesthesia. This process begins with the examination of the patient and consists of a careful evaluation of the structure and function of the lumbar plexus, which is divided into two zones: the superficial lumbar plexus, which originates in the neck region and extends to the thighs; and the deep lumbar plexus, which originate in the groin and extend down the buttocks.

Obturator Neuropathy

When the lumbar plexus fails to appropriately relay commands to the brain. The result is obturator neuropathy, which results from abnormal direct communication between the brain and spinal cord. A nerve root may get damaged, resulting in malfunctioning of internal organs such as the kidney or liver, respiratory failure, or even amputation of some muscles. When the obturator nerve becomes damaged, it is not able to adequately convey signals to the brain and can lead to all manner of problems. The third type of nerve that passes through the lumbar spinal column is called the femoral nerve, and it is attached to the thigh.

Internal Structures of The Spinal Cord

In addition to lumbar plexus-related complications, the internal structures of the spinal cord can also be injured and cause problems. These include the vertebrae, which provide for the movement of legs and feet; the ribs, which supply vital organs to the rest of the body; and the sacrum, which is the shock absorber of the body. Abnormal growths along with the spinal roots, known as pruning abnormalities, can also occur. These growths, referred to as hypsomiasis, are often associated with other serious conditions such as cancer.

Autonomic Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system controls the functions of the entire body and includes the major organs and glands. However, it is most closely connected with the part of the nervous system that is located in the chest area, called the lumbar plexus. The first four lumbar nerves originate in the anterior chest wall, going to the internal organs and the lungs. Another set of nerves called the visceral nerves goes to the abdomen and provides sensation to the gastrointestinal tract. The fifth set of lumbar nerves, called the peduncles, which control the muscles of the pelvic floor, also come from the anterior chest wall and provide signals to the genitalia.


As you can see, the major key points for assessing. The structure and health of the lumbar plexus involve the evaluation of the structure, and function. Sensitivity of the five lumbar nerves (which pass through the lumbar plexus) and the five sacral nerves. We also need to have an idea of how the body processes information and how it relates to movement, posture, and muscle tone. When you are ready to learn more about the key takeaways for assessing. For the structures and health of the lumbar plexus, please visit our website. You will find many other helpful articles as well as some of the best exercises, tools, and nutritional recommendations for strengthening and toning the psoas major muscle.

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