Landscape With Spanish Lavender Plants

Spanish Lavender grows easily in full sun to partial shade. Its full foliage will change to a beautiful silver-gray when it’s mature. The beautiful silver-gray coloration and spiny leaf make it an easy plant to grow both indoors and out. Spanish Lavender comes in several different cultivars which are typically more drought tolerant than others.
Sunlight for Spanish Lavender
One of the most important things to know about the growing season for your Spanish lavender is the amount of sunlight it needs to grow comfortably. It needs full sun to remain dormant in the winter months. When choosing a sunny location for your Spanish lavender choose one with an equal or slightly higher altitude than your main house. If you live in an area with mostly cooler weather during the growing season, make sure you plant your plants in pots instead of on the ground.
Growing of Spanish Lavenders
Growing conditions should be well-drained and often moist. Most Spanish lavenders prefer well-drained soil with low acid levels and good drainage. If your soil is too dry, there is a chance for the roots to get too wet and be unable to absorb enough water, causing the plant to get stressed. On the other hand, if the soil is too dry it can also cause the vigorous growing phase of the plant to be cut short.
Types of Spanish Lavender
There are three main types of Spanish lavender varieties: the tall French lavenders (also known as the English lavenders), the silver hibiscus, and the narrow French lavender varieties. All three varieties have very similar looks and their height and width vary only by a few millimeters. Each variety has different growing seasons, flowering times, and soil requirements.
Fertilizer for French Lavender
Tall French lavender has needle-shaped leaves, which can reach 9.5cm; this is the largest size of all the Spanish lavender types. They are a hardy plant that is extremely tolerant of almost any type of soil condition. Although the hardy plant has been grown in nutrient-poor soil, it has proved resistant to chemical fertilizers, and as a result, is one of the most popular nursery plants used to produce a beautiful exhibition garden. The flowers will not bloom until the late summer or early autumn and if left to their own devices. The French lavender will produce flowers through the winter months into next year.
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Soil for French Lavender
Silver hibiscus and the narrow French lavender varieties do not really need much cultivation, as they are quite bushy. If you want to grow these plants. You should keep them in pots on top of the soil. But never let the soil around the stems get too dry. As long as the leaves stay green the plant will survive on the supplied food supply. The added bonus is that the flowers themselves will look stunning. In the winter Spanish lavender is normally dormant and during springtime, they begin to bud out and send up new shoots. These can be used to provide attractive bouquets for the home.
Silver Hibiscus
Although some varieties of the silver hibiscus are quite rare and only found in the Southern States. The shrub itself blooms at least three times each year in the Southern States and also blooms on a fairly regular basis in Florida and Hawaii. In addition to blooming shrubs, Spanish lavender is used in many landscaping schemes, particularly around fences, trellises, and decking areas. These landscaping projects include using flowers spikes to add a touch of color to the garden and fences. One reason why the shrub is so well-loved is that its blooms are used as a popular cut flower for arrangements and bouquets. Even its bark is used for landscaping in gardens, often used as blackboard or clippings with other plants.
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Water for Spanish Lavender
When it comes to watering the Spanish lavender plants. One of the best things to do is to ensure that the soil that the plant is growing on has adequate water retention capabilities. The soil should be kept dry, and you can achieve this by ensuring. That the plant has either been given a regular watering or put into a hole in the earth about six inches deep and about twelve inches across. Allowing the soil to drain properly. Another simple method of ensuring moisture retention is to use a weak solution of water mixed with chalk. This is combined with the soil to form a paste. This is applied to the bare soil to avoid the plant from drowning. When watering and can be left to sit for several hours before being washed away, or rinsed off completely.