What Is the Pelvic Girdle and Why Is It Important?
Pelvic Girdle is a medical term used to describe. The muscles and ligaments keep the abdomen (pelvis) organs in their proper place. It is commonly used in medicine as a reference to abdominal wall muscles, specifically. The deep abdominal wall muscles are called the lower rectus abdominis. The other important muscles are the external obliques (the muscles on the side of the abdomen nearest the front door) and the internal obliques.
Iliac and Sacro-Cranial Excavations
Iliac and Sacro-Cranial Excavations. ilium sacrum. Peritoneum Full article. Pelvis, or more properly, the coccyx is formed. By the formation of fibrous tissue that separates. The organs in the abdomen, the lower torso. Pelvic girdle from each other is found within. The sacrum surrounds the hips and the ribs.
What is Pelvic Girdle
The pelvic girdle helps support the upper part of the body and keeps the body’s weight on it. The pelvic girdle can be divided into two major parts. The erector spinae and the sartorius. The erector spinae includes the genu varum or backbone. Te sartorius includes the lateral part of the erector spinae or thigh bone. The sacrum includes the pelvic girdle’s lower part of the abdomen. While it looks like the lower part of the abdomen is entirely made up of bones. It is actually covered with soft tissues. The pelvic girdle helps support the weight of the organs and the weight of the body’s fluids.
Structure of Pelvic Girdle
The classification of a pelvic girdle as a normal structure, or abnormality, has some clinical relevance. Clinical relevance refers to the question of whether the abnormal pelvic girdle (i.e., two hip bones) causes problems. The second type is clearly not of interest to patients, but their physicians have an interest in finding out whether abnormal structures are causing functional abnormalities.
Patients With False Pelvis
Patients with false pelvis due to osteoporosis are perhaps the only patients who should be concerned about their condition. Osteoporosis is a progressive disorder of the bones of the spine and pelvis. With age, bones become brittle and can break easily. The result is loss of height. The condition is often seen in middle-aged women. Women with osteoporosis can be categorized as having. “Normal Pelvis,” or having a “Lesser Pelvis.”
Lesser Pelvis
The difference between a normal and a lesser pelvis is caused. By the location of the pelvic girdle and the size of the inlet. The size of the inlet plays a greater role in determining. The centerline of the pelvic girdle. The distance between the pelvic outlet and the lower end of the spine. Thus, the lower limit of the inlet is located closer. To the pelvic girdle centerline. While the upper limit is closer to the lower spine. Thus, the condition can be described as having a “normal pelvis,” or as having a “lesser pelvis.”
Bony Pelvis
As the second classification is more descriptive than precise. It also contains a large number of terms. Those are used interchangeably. These terms include “bony pelvis,” “double-bubble pelvis,” and “ilium pubis acetabulum birth canal. The term “bony pelvis” describes a condition where there is more than one rounded Pelvic Girdle bone. The location of the pelvic girdle centerline can change with changes in the patient’s height. The term “double-bubble pelvis” describes a condition in which one pelvic girdle bone protrudes over the other.
Pelvic Muscles
Pregnancy and childbirth place tremendous strains on the pelvic muscles. They become even more stretched and weakened. As the fetus continues to grow. As a result of these stresses on the pelvic muscles. The muscles can lose their tone. A condition called “ilium californium” describes a condition. Where the ligaments and muscles associated with the pelvic floor and the anus do not develop properly. This weakens and stretches the muscles. Causing them to contract more. severely during labor and delivery. A rare condition called “peritoneal mesothelioma,” sometimes referred to as “peritoneal cancer,” occurs less frequently and is characterized by the growth of cancerous tumors in the abdomen.